Level 2 is a bit hard so if you can't play level 3 (ESCAPE to go to the level selection menu)

Default controls :

F4 : Fullscreen

E to swap mode                   

Space to use your magnet ability

Q and D to move 

Z to Jump

R to restart the level faster

Dev Hight Score :

Tuto : 3sec

Level 1 : 7sec 

Level 2 : 5sec

Level 3 : 10sec

Level 4 : 2sec

Level 5 : 2sec

Level 6 : 4sec

Level 7 : 3sec

Crédits : 

Music Astro Worker by Raphytator :


Player character, Orbes and Cover by Laura A.

Art menu and pipes by Arthur.P.

Have fun !


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The control key map is quite hard. But interesting idea btw

(1 edit)

Thanks i would have made key mapping in an option screen but time gone and today is the day for plateform but if the game idea receive great feedback i plan to work on it after the jam an manage to make easy medium and hard level because level design is time consumming for a game jam

Yeh, level design is no joke! It took me a whole day to get the levels right for this jam. Honestly, it was a ton of work. But in the end, it's very satisfying to finish a game for the jam. Your game idea about magnet is interesting. Hope to see the full game release

I made a key mapping screen so you can play it easely from now !